
Coaching - Education - Massage - Healing - Play

Tantric Bodywork

This full body sensual experience beautifully blends western and eastern style massage work with tantric practices that will leave you feeling fully satisfied and totally relaxed.

Possible modalities used in a session: Swedish massage, deep tissue, energy-work, Thai bodywork, Urban Tantra practices, chakra activation, yoga, organic movement, breath-work, visualization, meditation, and light tantalizing nourishing touch. Sensation play can also be added.

Embodied coaching can be part of the session as well if you would like to work on certain aspects of your life that you want to transform or that you would like to positively move towards. This can include talking, guided breath-work, felt sense work, working with lost parts, inner child, pleasure mapping, de-armoring, re-writing the story, and a toolbox of embodiment practices.

Offered by Shakti (female) or Shiva (male) or both together for a 4-handed session

Couples Tantra

Couples sessions or mini- retreats are totally unique and customized for your needs. Choose from receiving bodywork, learning how to practice sacred sensual massage, learn about different aspects of sexuality and practices, learn communication, intimacy and relationship building skills, learn kink or sensation play/roll play skills.

We create a sacred, safe and consensual space for you to explore, try new things, get curious, and open to possibilities. Have fun and experience bliss and expansion.


Mini retreats are an option if you want an immersive experience. Shakti and Shiva would be honored to spend time with you as a couple or as an individual - to teach, explore, play, coach and witness.

1/2 day - Full day - Weekend - Extended stay …… all can be arranged via a discovery call or email.

Shamanic Kink

Shamanic kink uses the practices/tools/ideas/scenes of kink and BDSM as a transformational process that can potentially lead to liberation of body and emotions.

If you simply have been curious about sensation play, roll play, bondage play and more…great! Shiva creates a safe space for you to explore and find out what works for you. Consent, boundaries and clear communication are key ingredients for full surrendering into the moment, You will be seen, heard, understood and ultimately in control of the session.

If you want to dive deeper, Shamanic kink can help you explore your shadows, your blocks, your childhood wounding/trauma that may be keeping you back from living your best life. This is a cutting edge new way of looking at these practices for the use of healing, releasing, integrating and accepting aspects of your being that have been challenging.

Offered by Shiva (male practitioner)

Base Rates

Tantra Bodywork - 300/h - 375/90min

Four Handed Bliss - 600/90min

Shamanic Kink - 300/h

Couples Tantra - starting @ 400/2h

Mini Retreat with both Shiva & Shakti - must negotiate.

1/2 day/full day/weekend/extended time/us drive to you or you fly us to meet you???


Additional time - 200 per hour

Nuru style - +100

Travel fees for NYC, Boston, NJ - 100/h +travel expenses & possibly space fee if needed.

***All fees are for our coaching, education, rent of office space and our time only. Whatever happens outside of that coaching container is between consenting adults. You must agree to these terms before we meet.