About Shakti


One of my delights is to witness people “Light Up”!

I love watching people get inspired and move in the direction of their true hearts desires!

I love creating safe space for people to have deeper experiences that wake them up to themselves. I love sparking joy and excitement into peoples lives and helping them find their truth.

I love creating safe space for people to explore their shadows and reclaim lost parts of themselves. I love helping people heal and feel better. I love helping people feel worthy and lovable.

I love guiding people into a deep experience of their bodies as a conduit of energy, vibrancy and pleasure. Resourcing from that.

I love helping people discover that true healing and transformation must utilize the mind-body connection. Embodiment is key!

Education - Training - Experience

  • BFA from Pratt Institute-1992

  • Licensed Massage Therapist - 1994

  • Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher - 2005

  • Ecstatic & Exotic Dance Teacher - 2006

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist - 2019

  • Certified Urban Tantra Practitioner - 2022

  • Sex, Love, and Relationship Coaching Training - 2023-24-25

I have spent much of my life working with bodies. From being a fitness instructor starting in my teens to becoming a massage therapist and yoga/dance teacher. I am thrilled to have found a method of working that effectively works with all aspects of our human experience; the body, mind, spirit, emotions, energy, shadows, strengths, beliefs…as well as sexuality. Working from a tantric lens ,that everything is sacred.

Sexuality is at the root of our human experience, it is how we have come into existence, yet there is so much shadow, taboo, trauma, mis-information and straight out lies around our sexuality. We all are socially conditioned around sexuality, and our beliefs , fears, insecurities and misinformation has led to so much suffering and violence.

I too was nervous to step into the roll of “sex coach” as there is so much stigma around the field. I believe that most of us need some “up-leveling and re-learning” when it comes to sex, love and relationships. I am honored to bring sex positivity instead of sexual shame into the world.

More Loves

I love to learn, to play, to experience new things and go new places. I love “unlearning” conditioned thinking and reconnecting with my inner wild woman, my authentic truth. I love dancing and being out in nature. I love talking about real human things that matter or silly stuff that doesn’t matter. I love laughing. I love making people laugh. I love real connection. I love love. I love peaceful moments as well as supremely exciting- high energy states. I love family and friends and making new friends. I love to move my body and feel in good shape. I love yoga, dance, walking, hiking, biking, swimming and working out.

I love being in ecstatic states whether it be induced by sacred sex, ecstatic dance or connected breath-work while doing the microcosmic orbit practice. I love to experience states of AWE… the beauty of nature, the powers of love, moments of spiritual connection, serendipity! I love this crazy, mysterious life, with all its ups and downs, tragedies and triumphs, joys and challenges!

Come celebrate with me!